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The origins of Vacation Bible School can be traced back to Hopedale, Illinois in 1894. Sunday school teacher D. T. Miles, who also was a public school teacher, felt she was limited by time constraints in teaching the Bible to children. So, she started a daily Bible school to teach children during the summer. The first Bible school enrolled forty students and lasted four weeks. A local school was used for classes, while an adjoining park was used for recess.


In 1898 Virginia Sinclair Hawes (often identified as "Mrs. Walker Aylett Hawes"), director of the children's department at Epiphany Baptist Church in New York City, started an "Everyday Bible School" for neighborhood children during the summer at a rented beer parlor in New York's East Side. There is a bronze plaque honoring her efforts located in her hometown of Charlottesville Virginia in the foyer of First Baptist Church.


Dr. Robert Boville of the Baptist Mission Society, became aware of the Hawes' summer program and recommended it to other Baptist churches. Boville established a handful of summer schools which were taught by students at the Union Theological Seminary. During one summer, one thousand students were enrolled in five different schools. In 1922, he founded the World Association of Daily Vacation Bible School.


One year later, Standard Publishing produced the very first printed VBS curriculum. Enough material was provided for a five-week course for three age levels (kindergarten, primary, and junior).


The History of VBS

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"Almost there"

Vacation Bible School, or VBS, is a fun-filled community outreach program that our church offers to introduce children and their families to Jesus Christ.


Vacation Bible School is a ministry meant to bring in children who don’t normally attend church and to teach them the good news of the gospel.


As an evangelistic tool, VBS helps our church fulfill the Great Commission that Jesus has commanded us to do.                                                 

                                                                                           Matthew 28:19

Our Mission


Our Goal

"To teach the children about God's amazing LOVE!"

 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

                                                             John 3:16

"Keep going!"

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